በዚህ መስከረም ወር, ለ 2023 Essen exferferfered ውስጥ በ DusSseldf ውስጥ እንሆናለን. Our company has many kinds of Welding Rotators which consists of Conventional Welding Rotator,Self Aligning Welding Rotator and Fit Up Growing Line.This time, we introdu...
አንድ የቡድን ቅደም ተከተል የ 6 ስብስቦች SAR-60 የሞተር መከታተያ ዌልዲንግ ወደ መደበኛ ጣሊያን ደንበኛ አቅርቦት ማድረስ. We know this Italy customer in 2017 Germany Essen Fair. After that we establish the cooperation with them, and till now we export more than one million dollars e...
Glad to attend the meeting at LINCOLN ELECTRIC china office to discuss integrating the Lincoln Power Source with our Column Boom together. አሁን ከኒንከን ዲሲ-600, ከዲሲ -1000, ከዲሲ -11000, ከ DC-1000, ከ DC-1000, ከ Tandem ሽቦዎች ስርዓት ጋር ማቅረብ እንችላለን. Welding camera monitor, w...